Evil In The Church; My Experience At Dunamis, Abuja
As is customary of me, I attended Dunamis Int'l, Abuja today, the 25th day of January 2015. I parked my car at the garage created...
As is customary of me, I attended Dunamis Int'l, Abuja today, the 25th day of January 2015.
I parked my car at the garage created for that purpose. One of the ushers in grey suit menacingly approached me and sternly warned me not to park there. Cars were parked beside me without any warning issued to the other drivers.
I had to look around so as to be sure I was not missing anything, after doing this, I told the usher from the pit of hell that the spaces between my car and surrounding vehicles was wide enough for entry and exit (true to my word, the cars that were in the garage when I parked had moved out and other cars had parked in their stead).
At the close of service, I was shocked to discover my tyres had been maliciously deflated. Instinctively, I had to look around for the usher from hell who took offence that I had the audacity to challenge the reasonableness of his instructions, I was not surprised to find he was no where to be found.
Consequently, I approached one of the ushers on ground to make a harmless complaint, I was dumbfounded when he threatened he was going to beat me up if I don't take my car in the state of its deflated tyres out of the garage. I dared him, but sensing I was a little enlightened he exercised restraint.
These two attitudes I experienced today got me wondering what the church of today is turning into. Are these really the signs of end time? If workers in church put up these attitudes (albeit unjustly), can it be said that the preaching that comes up from the pulpit is in anyway purging society of evil, looting, corruption, prostitution and malice?
Whilst I respect the grace and will continue to respect the grace and anointing of the Senior pastor of the church, Dr. Paul Eneche, I wonder what a christian whose faith is still shaky will do in my circumstance.
This post is actually a clarion call for pastors to be wary of the character that surrounds them, because these workers are the image the public has of the church.
I parked my car at the garage created for that purpose. One of the ushers in grey suit menacingly approached me and sternly warned me not to park there. Cars were parked beside me without any warning issued to the other drivers.
I had to look around so as to be sure I was not missing anything, after doing this, I told the usher from the pit of hell that the spaces between my car and surrounding vehicles was wide enough for entry and exit (true to my word, the cars that were in the garage when I parked had moved out and other cars had parked in their stead).
At the close of service, I was shocked to discover my tyres had been maliciously deflated. Instinctively, I had to look around for the usher from hell who took offence that I had the audacity to challenge the reasonableness of his instructions, I was not surprised to find he was no where to be found.
Consequently, I approached one of the ushers on ground to make a harmless complaint, I was dumbfounded when he threatened he was going to beat me up if I don't take my car in the state of its deflated tyres out of the garage. I dared him, but sensing I was a little enlightened he exercised restraint.
These two attitudes I experienced today got me wondering what the church of today is turning into. Are these really the signs of end time? If workers in church put up these attitudes (albeit unjustly), can it be said that the preaching that comes up from the pulpit is in anyway purging society of evil, looting, corruption, prostitution and malice?
Whilst I respect the grace and will continue to respect the grace and anointing of the Senior pastor of the church, Dr. Paul Eneche, I wonder what a christian whose faith is still shaky will do in my circumstance.
This post is actually a clarion call for pastors to be wary of the character that surrounds them, because these workers are the image the public has of the church.