Five Things We Must Stop Doing As Nigerians - NewsHelm Nigeria

Five Things We Must Stop Doing As Nigerians

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1.Breaking Traffic Laws: You know you are breaking the law by driving in the opposite direction of traffic but you feel it will get you to your destination faster and you go ahead with your plan. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it doesn’t and you end up causing a traffic jam and wasting the time of other road users.

It is annoying when as Nigerians we scream for change but we are not willing to start with ourselves. You see silly drivers breaking traffic laws and still claim that they are right. It’s a pity there’s no true test of driving skills in Nigeria or else a lot of drivers would have had their licences seized.

2. Erecting Large Signposts at Junctions and Bends: I think there’s a shortage of sensible people at the agencies that grant permits for signposts because I see no reason why a signpost should be erected in such a way that it prevents drivers from seeing vehicles coming at a bend or junction. Sometimes you even have multiple signposts at a place with each one trying to overshadow the other. Don’t we learn anything from “Oyinbo” movies? Can’t you see that their signposts are usually tall and on a single pole when placed at a junction or bend?

3. Refusing to construct proper sewage system for your house: This one is very annoying. People will build houses and not make arrangement for drainage. All they do is make a small channel that takes all bodily fluids and “yamayama” water to the main road filling the whole neighbourhood with stench. Some people are even worse, they throw their wash water on the main road even though there’s a gutter in front of the house. And when you call their attention to the damage they are causing, they see you as an enemy. I think all CDAs should make it a law that landlords must make provision for proper sewage disposal. Whoever fails to do so should be fined and of he/she refuses, they should report to the appropriate authorities.

Apart from the fact that it is an unhygienic act that can lead to outbreak of diseases and infections, it also damages the roads. Some roads are always wet even though it hasn’t rained in months. We complain that the government doesn’t build good roads but when they do we fail to maintain them.

4. Throwing litter anywhere we deem fit: majority of Nigerians are bad at disposal. We throw away our trash anywhere we think is right: on the road, in the drainage, schools, even mosques and churches aren’t left out. This is a very bad attitude we need to stop.
I know the waste disposal system is very poor in Nigeria as most of the masses live in areas that are “inaccessible” to waste trucks. But we can still strive to keep our environment clean. It costs you nothing to put that sweet or biscuit wrapper in your pocket or in a corner of your bag till you get to a place where there is a bin. It might seem like a little thing to do but I believe when the little ones see you doing so they’ll emulate it.

5. Selling on the road/Pedestrians route: This one is terribly annoying. I will divide this into 2 groups. One, those who setup their wares/goods on the road leaving the pedestrian walkway behind them and those who extend their shops and block the road meant for pedestrians.
These two sets of people endanger their lives and that of pedestrians. Imagine you are trying to dodge a motorcycle that is headed your way and instead of climbing on to the pavement meant for pedestrians you bump right into the fish seller who has set up her stall on the pavement. Unfortunately for you, your head is placed directly in front of her as she brings down the cleaver to cut the fish….. I hope you get the picture.
The pedestrian route is meant for walking not for selling. If you know someone who does this, please correct them. I know they are trying to survive in this harsh economy but two wrongs don’t make a right.


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