10 Classes Of Christians That Make God Weep - NewsHelm Nigeria

10 Classes Of Christians That Make God Weep

I hope you understand that the term "weep" in this context isn't literal but used in the literary sense. #byinsp...


It just doesn't matter to God how far you are away from Him at the moment. What matters is if you are ready to really come back to Him.
I know so well because in some of these areas God had to put up with me and still is...undecided

1. Unforgiving Christians

Unforgiveness has gradually pitched its tent in the heart of some Christians. Jesus commanded us to forgive 70×7 times if hurt. I can't forget the day I saw a friend in hell because she locked someone up in her heart. I told her, she wept and went to the person for forgiveness. God forgave our sins so we are mandated to forgive others also.

2. Complaining Christians

The Israelites complained and God didn't get busy. No! He got angry. Serpents bit them and a lot of them died in the wilderness. Stop complaining. Start thanking!

3. Stingy Christians

They give to everyone (doctors, traders etc) with ease except to God! So pious yet so poor. How pathetic! God wants to lavish His greatest wealth on them but they're not operating on the covenant of seedtime and harvest so they're not close!

4. Unbelieving Christians

These folks are often quick to doubt the testimonies of others in church. They attribute it to "luck" or "work". Hmm! The " Supernatural", they doubt. It hurts God. Heb. 11:6. It is only Faith that puts a smile on God's face smiley

5. Ignorant Christians

Nothing hurts God the most than to watch His people perish for "lack of knowledge ". They rather pray for weeks but can't really sit to hear the Word of God or perhaps THINK on It. God is a God of knowledge, you also should be.

6. Hypocritical Christians

Isaiah likened them to a disturbing smoke before God. They consciously do the wrong they scold others about. Their motto is, " Do as I say and not as I preach". They judge others like they are the Chief Judge. OK.

7. Lying Christians.

Ps.101:7, God said "He that tell lies shall not tarry in My sight". That tells you how much God hates lies. The Devil is called the "father of liars" in John 8:44. If you are lying (white, blue, green etc), whose offspring are you?

8. Dormant Christians

Also known as Unfruitful ones. They are so "heavenly" minded that they ignore their God-given potentials. They live on people even when they have in them great potentials that could make a star outa them. So blind! So wasteful! Will they die with all of these talents in them?

9. Proud Christians

James 4:6- God resists the proud. To resist means to push aside, fight against...and other unbelievable synonyms. How does God spot pride? Prayerlessness, snubbing potential suitors, selfishness etc. Yoruba calls it "egberaga". Humble yourself before God Himself sits on your matter ni. "Pride goes before a fall" can be found twice verbatim in the book of Proverbs. A proud person is simply testing God. Lucifer did and was not. Don't dare.

10. Worldly Christians

Worldliness is the pursuit of worldly things at the expense of God's presence. It could be career, fashion, fame, success in marriage etc.
Indecency in all its dimension is a minute fragment to what that monster called worldliness is. It is a system. It is in power (the power that be). It is an authority. It HAS invaded the world already especially in this last days.

That's why as a child of God, you must know the Word for yourself. You must know God.

Not every church goer is going to Heaven or even believe in it the least. Spotting a lady dressing Unclad and calling it fashion, a guy drinking beer, a child fussing and cursing aren't all there is to Worldliness. These are all evidences to its existence.

Finally, I beseech brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God so you CAN BE ABLE TO STAND THE WILES OF THE DEVIL.


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