25 Hilarious Rules For Driving In Lagos
1. When in doubt, accelerate! 2. Be prepared to ram into anything stopping you that is wearing uniform in Lagos (police, traffic warden, FR...
2. Be prepared to ram into anything stopping you
that is wearing uniform in Lagos (police, traffic
warden, FRSC, Kai brigade, fire brigade, VIO,
3. If you get caught by any chance, do not allow
them to enter your car, if they happen to get in
do not drive from that spot (veer off traffic &
settle promptly), and if they don’t agree, pretend
that you are calling your uncle who is in the army
(believe me it always works), never follow them
to any sort of office except you are ready to pay
ten times more than what was demanded.
4. Never give police or VIO your original
particulars (whether expired or up to date).
5. Danfo drivers believe they are immortal. Never
yield to the temptation to teach them otherwise.
6. Okada riders have a pact with suicide, avoid
them like a plaque.
7. Avoid BRT buses in all ramifications, they
have no brakes.
8. Taxi cabs (oko asewo) should always have the
right of way, all of them have been driving in
Lagos for 25 years. Show some respect.
You would notice I omitted “Private car owners” (popularly called ‘my car’). It is intentional. They are in a class of their own. Best advice: ASSUME THE NEXT PERSON IS INSANE (don’t be deceived by the tie and suit). And in cases of confrontation, please proceed to deal with such situations as you are inspired
9. Never, ever, stop for a pedestrian unless he
flings himself under the wheels of your car.
10. The first parking space you see will be the
last parking space you see. Grab it. Survival of
the fittest, you may say!
11. Learn to swerve abruptly. In Lagos, potholes
(and sometimes car-holes) are put in key locations
to test drivers’ reflexes and shock absorbers,( I
saw one man fishing in one of the potholes last
12. There is no such thing as “one-way” in Lagos.
Expect traffic from any direction at all times. The
okada riders are the experts in this area.
13. Never get in the way of a car that needs
extensive bodywork, except you want to spend your
whole Saturday at the panel beater’s place.
Morning rush hours
14. Morning rush-hours are equivalent to Lagos
grand prix (who gets to the junction first).
15. There is no such thing as a short-cut during
rush-hour traffic in Lagos. Everybody might be
inclined to take that ’short-cut’.
16. When asking for directions, always ask at
least three people. Lagosians always claim to know
every inch of the city – even areas they’ve never
been to.
17. Use extreme caution when pulling into service
lanes. Service lanes are not for breaking down the
traffic, but for speeding, especially during rush
18. Never use directional signals, since they only
confound and distract other Lagos drivers, who are
not used to them.
19. Similarly, never attempt to give hand signals.
Lagos drivers, unused to such courtesies, will
think you are making obscene gestures to them.
This could be very bad for you in Lagos.
20. Hazard lights (popularly called “double pointer”)
is not, (as commonly supposed) used to indicate a
hazard. It is a warning to you that he is a
bonafide Lagos driver, he’s headed ’straight’ and
as such, will not stop under any circumstance.
Take him extremely seriously especially if he backs
it up with a continuous blast from his “horn”.
21. At any given time, do not stand on the zebra
crossing expecting traffic to yield to you, or else
you will have to explain to the on coming traffic
whether you look like a zebra.
22. Speed limits are arbitrary figures posted only
to make you feel guilty.
23. Remember that the goal of every driver is to
get there first by whatever means necessary.
24. In Lagos every spot is a potential bus stop.
FRSC and LASTMA know that too. It is in their
25. Above all, keep moving. Even with a flat
Horn’ when someone executes a dangerous
‘Horn’ when you’re about to move off.
‘Horn’ when you’re about to overtake.
‘Horn’ when someone is about to overtake you.
‘Horn’ when turning into a road.
‘Horn’ when emerging from a road.
‘Horn’ back when someone horns at you. It’s
considered good etiquette.
‘Horn’ when you hear a chorus of horns. Don’t
worry if you don’t know what all the ‘horning’ is
‘Horn’ when you’re happy.
‘Horn’ to the beat when you’re playing music in
your car.
Good luck, as you expeditiously navigate through
Lagos and hustle and bustle!!!!!