Azealia Banks Gives Up Twitter for Lent - NewsHelm Nigeria

Azealia Banks Gives Up Twitter for Lent

  First Iggy Azalea , and now this. Whatever is the Twitterverse to do? Rapper Azealia Banks took to Twitter — a platform...

First Iggy Azalea , and now this.
Whatever is the Twitterverse to do?
Rapper Azealia Banks took to Twitter —
a platform on which, over the years, she
has encountered many, many problems
— to announce that she is quitting
Twitter. The catch? It’s for a limited
time only.
While, for the next few weeks, you are
struggling through chocolate
withdrawals, Banks will be suffering
through the urge to insult her
contemporaries in 140 characters of
less. That’s right, she’s giving up Twitter
for Lent, because nothing brings you
closer to God than removing yourself
from social media. (Well, not all social
media… Banks says she’ll still be
posting to Instagram.)

Although I am not a baptized
Christian , I Love lent and Good

(@AZEALIABANKS) March 2, 2015

I missed the beginning of Lent but
better late than never. I'm going off
tweets until April 2nd!! My
management will tweet AB news.

(@AZEALIABANKS) March 2, 2015

I will still be on Instagram. But I
need to give my mind a break. I'll
still be checking #BUSSYBOY pics
(@AZEALIABANKS) March 2, 2015

Way back in 2011, Banks released the
critically-acclaimed “212” and looked to
have a promising career. After countless
album delays and countless Twitter
beefs, the public’s interest waned.

Though Banks did eventually release
her debut album, Broke With Expensive
Taste, via a Beyoncé -like surprise iTunes
release last fall, by then her reputation
as a Twitter shit-stirrer was firmly

What will become of Banks
when she abandons the thing for which
she is truly (in)famous? Only time —
and Lent — shall tell.


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