PHOTOS: Man who has two live-in girlfriends and is on the hunt for his third
Meet Adam Lyons, 34, who lives with his two girlfriends, Brooke Shedd(Left), 26, and Jane Shalakhova, 25.(Right) Adam and Brooke have...
Meet Adam Lyons, 34, who lives with his two girlfriends, Brooke Shedd(Left), 26, and Jane Shalakhova, 25.(Right)
Adam and Brooke have just given birth to a baby boy, Danté - and the 'throuple' hope to raise their child together in Los Angeles.
The trio - who share a super-kingsize bed and take it in turns to have romantic date nights together - insist that they can provide a loving family environment for their newborn.
Adam, from east London, says:
Adam approached Brooke about the idea and the pair first had sex during a trip together.
Brooke, who worked as a bartender at the time, says:
He explains:
Then in April 2013, the twosome met photographer, Jane, in a nightclub in Texas and immediately hit it off with her.Adam says:
Brooke adds:
The threesome insists that their relationship is like any other normal couple's.
Adam, Brooke and Jane say that time management is crucial to the success of their relationship.
Brooke explains: '
Adam and Brooke have just given birth to a baby boy, Danté - and the 'throuple' hope to raise their child together in Los Angeles.
The trio - who share a super-kingsize bed and take it in turns to have romantic date nights together - insist that they can provide a loving family environment for their newborn.
Adam, from east London, says:
'We're just like any other family. Except in ours, there'll be one dad and two mums who live under the same roof - and there'll be nothing but love for our children.At high school, I was voted the least likely to ever get a girlfriend. I believed that no girl would ever want me so I withdrew into myself. I became a nerd who stayed at home all day.'But at the age of 25 whilst he was working as a janitor, Adam decided to learn how to pick up women.
'I started reading about pick-up artists and how you can use psychology to make yourself more attractive. 'I would practice by standing in Leicester Square at lunchtime and after work, trying to get girls' phone numbers as they walked past.In no time, I was sleeping with amazing women I could only have dreamed of back at school.'Adam became so knowledgeable at seducing girls that he started a career as a dating coach - running the popular YouTube channel AFCAdamLondon.
'After being a nerdy loner all my life, I was suddenly leading this Hugh Hefner lifestyle.In 2007, Adam met Alexandra*, who was five years his junior, at a nightclub in London and fell in love with her.After dating for a year, they got married and started their new life together in Texas, USA where Alexandra came from.Adam explains:
'It felt like I could sleep with any beautiful woman that I wanted. At one point, I was dating fourteen girls at the same time - it was crazy!Dating all of these girls became very stressful and boring - I realised that really I wanted to fall in love and settle down.'
But after three years together, things between the couple began to sour when Alexandra still wasn't ready to have children with Adam.He says:'I was madly in love with Alexandra and our life together was perfect.We had a very traditional, monogamous marriage. We were like any other normal, happy couple.'
'I wanted to have kids as soon as possible but Alexandra had no interest in having any yet.The baby issue started causing other problems in our relationship. But Alexandra and I still loved each other and we didn't want to get a divorce.'In a bid to save their marriage, Adam and Alexandra decided to give 'polyamory' a go - meaning they could have other sexual partners besides each other.
'After many discussions, we chose to 'open up' our relationship and start seeing other people as well as each other.Alexandra and I figured that if we had a polyamorous marriage, then perhaps we would have a better chance of staying together.
'Alexandra started sleeping with a few different guys and I started dating a woman I met in a bar. It was great!It brought the two of us closer together. We'd sit on the sofa and talk about the fantastic sex we were having with different people.
'I even met and became mates with some of the men Alexandra was dating. It was really good bonding for us - chatting about our sexual exploits was a turn on and we'd go make love to each other afterwards. It helped our relationship.'But things got complicated between the pair when Alexandra suggested that Adam sleep with one of their mutual friends, Brooke.
'Alexandra and I were really close friends with a woman called Brooke, who was bisexual.By 2012, I had started spending a lot more time with Brooke - playing videos games and going on nights out together.Soon she'd become one of my best friends. One night, Alexandra and I were chatting about our other sexual partners and she suggested that I date Brooke.
'Alexandra thought we would make a great match and I agreed. I had always thought Brooke fancied women more that men but Alexandra encouraged me to make a move on her.'
Adam approached Brooke about the idea and the pair first had sex during a trip together.
Brooke, who worked as a bartender at the time, says:
'I had always liked Adam.We had a lot in common and from the moment we met, there was an instant chemistry between us. Over time, our friendship grew into something deeper.'The two began sleeping with each other regularly and Adam ended relations with the other women that he had been dating before Brooke. He also realised that he wanted to end his marriage to Alexandra.
He explains:
'It soon became clear that Brooke and I were in love. Alexandra still didn't want children any time soon and she'd also begun dating a guy that she really liked too.Alexandra and I had a long chat and in late 2012, we decided to amicably separate. She moved into her own place with the man she was dating and I moved in with Brooke and her son, Oliver.'Although Adam and Brooke were thrilled to be together finally, neither of them wanted to have a completely monogamous relationship.Adam says:
'It was amazing to be living with Brooke now and I loved hanging out with her and her son, Oliver.But after trying marriage out with Alexandra, I didn't want to limit myself to being with just one person ever again.I loved the polyamorous lifestyle because it's okay to date someone else if one partner can't provide exactly what you need at that time.'Brooke says:
'Equally although I loved Adam, I didn't want to stop seeing other women.I really pushed for us to have an open relationship too. So Adam and I decided to work as a team and pick up girls to have sex with together.'The first time we slept with another woman was when we went to a strip club and picked up one of the strippers working there.'
Adam adds: 'We ended up checking in to a hotel and having two nights of incredible sex. I barely slept the whole time!
Most of the time, Brooke and I slept with women together. But there was one occasion when I had sex with another girl during a work trip.Adam and Brooke continued having casual threesomes together but were also looking for a third woman to permanently join their relationship.
'I made sure to tell Brooke about it before and we were texting each other throughout which was kind of funny.'
Then in April 2013, the twosome met photographer, Jane, in a nightclub in Texas and immediately hit it off with her.Adam says:
'I knew Jane was unique from the moment we met her. The three of us clicked as soon as we started chatting
We left the nightclub to go grab some dinner with Jane and then Brooke and I took her back to our house for a few drinks.
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Brroke top,Jane Bottom |
'There was an immediate spark with Jane - she was super fun and very intelligent.Jane - who is bisexual but who had only been in a monogamous relationship before - says:
'I knew that sex could have happened that first night but I really liked Jane and I didn't want to push her into anything. I wanted to see whether this could be something more.'
'I loved how there was no pressure to do anything when I first met Adam and Brooke.Adam, Brooke and Jane met for dinner again soon after and on their third date, the trio had sex. They kept meeting up with each other and fell in love
'We just hung out, spoke and flirted at their house. I had never experimented with polyamorous relationships but with Adam and Brooke, it felt so natural. They were two awesome people.
'It's like imagine you meet your soul mate. Now multiply that by two! It's twice the love.'
The threesome insists that their relationship is like any other normal couple's.
Adam says: 'We are just like any typical family. We wake up in the morning - Brooke will go downstairs to cook breakfast and Jane will make fresh juice for everybody.
'Then we'll sit down at the table and eat together before I head off to work.
Adam, Brooke and Jane say that time management is crucial to the success of their relationship.
Brooke explains: '
We have to make sure everyone gets time together so every pair has a set date night.For example, Jane and Adam will go to an art gallery date together on Tuesday and then Jane and I will have a romantic evening on Thursday.
'On our date nights, Jane and I like to cuddle up and watch a movie. We are a lot more sensual.Occasionally, the throuple like to involve a fourth partner in their sex life.Adam says:
'Every so often, Jane, Brooke and I like to pick up another girl. Recently, we all had sex with a female bartender we knew - it was a crazy night of debauchery.'Brooke says:
'We are committed to each other. But we would be open to adding another person if we met another girl who we liked and fitted into our lifestyle.
'It's not something we're concerned about at the moment, you can't instantly introduce someone to your life.
'In the same way that it's hard to find one person to commit your life to - there's three of us who have to agree to the next person.'