Top 5 Incumbent President Who Conceded Defeat In Africa
1. ADEN ABDULLAH OSMAN DAAR: SOMALIA Aden Daar is a Somali politician popularly known as Aden Adde. He was the first Presidentof Somalia...
Kaunda is the youngest of eight children born to an ordained Church of Scotland missionary and teacher. He followed his father's steps in becoming a teacher.
He was at the forefront of the struggle for independence from British rule. Dissatisfied with Nkumbula's leadership of the African National Congress, he broke away and founded the Zambian African National Congress, later becoming the head of the United National Independence Party. He was the first President of the independent Zambia. From 1968, all political parties except UNIP were banned. At the same time, Kaunda oversaw the acquisition of majority stakes in key foreign-owned companies. The oil crisis of 1973 and a slump in export revenues put Zambia in a state of economic crisis.
International pressure forced Kaunda to change the rules that had kept him in power. This actually led to a Multi-party elections in 1991, in which Frederick Chiluba, the leader of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy won. Kuanda being the leader of Zambia since independence could have rigged or might have not taken the outcome of the election. Kaunda surprised the world by stepping down for Frederick Chiluba in 1991.
Wade, during a 14 July 2011 speech to supporters, used the Wolof language“‘’Ma waxoon waxeet’’” (“‘’I said it, I (can) take it back’’”) in explaining his decision to go back on his 2007 pledge not to run for another term. The phrase subsequently became a popular rallying cry for the anti-Wade opposition. On January 27, 2012, Abdoulaye Wade was officially approved by the Constitutional Council to run for a highly controversial third and last term. Following this declaration, enraged mobs engaged in violent protests throughout the city. After the first round vote, Abdoulaye Wade acknowledged on 27 February 2012 that he had failed to win a majority in the election and would have to face a run-off. He subsequently lost the second round of voting, held on 25 March 2012, to the opposition candidate Macky Sall; Sall had received the backing of all of the candidates who were defeated in the first round, and he defeated Wade by a wide margin. Wade conceded defeat and Sall succeeded Wade as President on 2 April 2012.
During the Presidency of Kenneth Kaunda, Banda held important diplomatic posts and was active in politics as a member of the United National Independence Party(UNIP). Years later, he was appointed as Vice-Presidentby President Levy Mwanawasa in October 2006, following the latter's re-election. He took over Mwanawasa's presidential responsibilities after Mwanawasa suffered a stroke in June 2008, and following Mwanawasa's death in August 2008, he became acting President. As the candidate of the governing Movement for Multiparty Democracy(MMD), he narrowly won the October 2008 presidential election, according to official results. Opposition leader Michael Sata defeated Banda in the September 2011 presidential election, and Sata accordingly succeeded Banda as President on 23 September 2011. In his concession speech, outgoing President Banda noted that, the people of Zambia had spoken through the democratic process and there was the need to obey it.
"The time now is for maturity, for composure and for compassion. To the victors, I say this: you have the right to celebrate but do so with a magnanimous heart. Enjoy the hour but remember that a term of government is for years. He stated
He further admonished the new president to “remember that the next election will judge you also. I have no ill-feelings in my heart; there is no malice in my words. I wish him well in his years as president. I pray his policies will bear fruit."
Reminding the people of the role MMD had played in the country’s growth and development, and emphasized that, “The Zambia we know today was built by an MMD government. We know our place in history and we know that we can come back to lead again in the future. A new leadership will be chosen, and that leadership will be from the younger generation.
"My generation, the generation of the independence struggle-- must now give way to new ideas; ideas for the 21st century. From this defeat, a new, younger MMD will be re-born.
He is a Christian, and he comes from the Ijawethnic group. In 2007, President Jonathan declared his assets worth a total of ₦ 295,304,420 Naira ($1,845,652 USD). However on 9 October 2014, the r website ranked Mr Jonathan sixth on its list, claiming his net worth was about $100m (£62m). He threatened to sue the website, claiming it "was an attempt to portray him as corrupt." The page was removed, but was then published by another website which estimated Jonathan's net wealth at $10 million. He contested for Nigerian 2015 presidential election which he eventually lost to former dictator, General Muhammadu Buhari. He conceded defeat in a competitive election and became the first sitting Nigerian president to do so. Prior to his role as President, he served as Governor of Bayelsa Statefrom 2005 to 2007 and as Vice-President of Nigeriafrom 2007 to 2010.