10 Things You Should Stop Doing In Bed - NewsHelm Nigeria

10 Things You Should Stop Doing In Bed

Putting on a pretense. Stop faking orgasms and stop pretending to like stuff you don’t like. If you’re with partners who expect you ...

Putting on a pretense.

Stop faking orgasms and stop pretending to like stuff you don’t like.

If you’re with partners who expect you to fake it to stroke their ego, you shouldn’t be shagging them; if you’re faking because the sex is terrible, stop having that kind of sex; and if you’re pretending to be into stuff you’re not because you think you’re expected to act a certain way, then you’re only doing yourself a disservice.

You’ll never figure out what you really like if you’re too busy pretending to like what you think someone else likes.

Not saying what you need

Unless you’re literally banging a mind reader, you need to tell your guy what you like and what you want. Expecting him to know exactly what works for you – and then to do exactly what works for you perfectly first time – is setting yourself up for disappointment. Saying that, you don’t need to be a drill sergeant about it (unless that’s the play, nudge nudge).

There’s a wide line between saying what you like and being cruel and critical of your lover’s moves, so it should be easy to figure it out.

Acting out a role.

Sometimes people get so caught up in acting out a role that they forget to be present. Roles could include being a shy flower, being the all-knowing sex kitten, the pushy dominant, the romantic love-maker… Save these one-man shows for an actual role-playing session.
Rather use all that energy for being emotionally available and open to the sex you’re having.


There is no bigger buzzkill than comparing. That includes comparing yourself to their previous lovers, or comparing your present lover to your previous ones. Each combination of people will create a new and unique experience.

Your only job is to enjoy the combination you and your present partner make.

Signing out.

Sure, your brain is your biggest sex organ, but it’s also the biggest shot of novocaine to your genitals if it’s full of issues. Some people who have gone through trauma around sex, love and intimacy might ‘switch off’ during sex, ‘lying back and thinking of England’ while he ‘gets it over with’.
If this is something you can relate to, you need to ask questions about why you’re getting Unclad.

Overthinking things.

This is that hyper ‘there-ness’ that keeps you from letting go and feeling into sensation and enjoying the moment. It’s overthinking your every move and every moment – ‘Is this right?’, ‘Is it working?’, ‘Am I doing ok?’, ‘Do I look ok?’, ‘What is he thinking?’ etc etc. In a way, it’s a form of signing out from the intimate moment in that your constant need to control the situation means you don’t have to actually be emotionally available to the experience.

The minute your brain starts making buzzing noises, take a moment to slow down the sex and come back to the moment by focusing on the physical sensations you’re enjoying.

Letting your body issues get in the way of your body having fun

Ever said you don’t want to try a position because of how you think you’ll look in it? Stop that sh*t. Life is too short and your booty too fine not to have as much fun with it as you possibly can. If you are with someone who is trying to make you feel crappy for how your body looks, you shouldn’t be letting them get Unclad with it.

Inhibition is a huge passion-killer – for you.

Being a passive passenger.

You co-create your sex life culture with your partner, so take an active role in the process. Initiate sex, use your imagination, move your body

Getting too comfortable with comfortable.

This is a major shout-out to long-term relationships. Yes, you can’t be Mata Hari 24/7 and sometimes you need to chill out in your jammies and fluffy slippers. But I would argue that your inner sex goddess isn’t going to be getting herself into a feverish pitch of lust covered head to toe in flannel.

I know that the conversation around this is usually angled around what is good ‘for him’, but if you want to access your sexy for anyone, you can’t lose touch of it for yourself. Get sensual for you, get sexy for you


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