Five Things Guys Have Been Using To Melt Ladies Heart
1. WORDS: One weakness in ladies is their susceptibilty to sweet words.And guys have been using this from time immemorial. Though not pre...
2. ADMIRATION: Its a trigger. Admiring a Lady tear the heart opens. It makes them happy and happiness I say is exactly what Ladies want.Make her happy and she is yours
3. CONFUSION: Anything can happens when confusion sets it. She be like "The guy is real he loves me" Yes he is not that bad.Before she knows what's happening yawa don gas
4. PROMISES: I can see ladies raising their eyebrows. Sorry for bringing memories but Truth is it melt your heart like oxy-acetylene flame. The "I will" sydrome always work
5. MONEY: The say have say the say
Ladies which of the above works on you faster?