PHOTOS: Some Insane Military Training Around The World
1. Navy SEAL Drown-Proof Testing. SEAL Trainees have their arms and legs bound in rope before jumping in the pool. Once in the water, th...
1. Navy SEAL Drown-Proof Testing.
SEAL Trainees have their arms and legs bound in rope before jumping in the pool. Once in the water, they are instructed to bob in the water for five minutes, then float for five minutes, before swimming for 100 meters. Next, they must bob for two more minutes before performing a series of front and back flips before diving to the bottom of the pool to retrieve an object with their teeth.
SEAL Trainees have their arms and legs bound in rope before jumping in the pool. Once in the water, they are instructed to bob in the water for five minutes, then float for five minutes, before swimming for 100 meters. Next, they must bob for two more minutes before performing a series of front and back flips before diving to the bottom of the pool to retrieve an object with their teeth.
2. Belarus Concrete Breaking.
Belarus Security Forces are asked to go through an intense training regimen in order to wear the “Red Beret.” Among the tasks are tightrope walking over burning logs while live ammunition is fired below their feet, live fights in smoke so thick you can’t see a foot from your face, and breaking piles of burning concrete with your head.
Belarus Security Forces are asked to go through an intense training regimen in order to wear the “Red Beret.” Among the tasks are tightrope walking over burning logs while live ammunition is fired below their feet, live fights in smoke so thick you can’t see a foot from your face, and breaking piles of burning concrete with your head.
3. Taliban Suicide Bombing Training.
Taliban suicide bomber training, such as that described by a formertrainee, consists of preparing the would-be bomber for the glory of the afterlife, physical training by climbing up and down mountains, balancing on tightropes and handling their explosive devices. They are taught to clear their minds before their ultimate mission in order to show no signs of fear before detonating themselves.
Taliban suicide bomber training, such as that described by a formertrainee, consists of preparing the would-be bomber for the glory of the afterlife, physical training by climbing up and down mountains, balancing on tightropes and handling their explosive devices. They are taught to clear their minds before their ultimate mission in order to show no signs of fear before detonating themselves.
4. Russian Spetsnaz Pain Management Training.
As Vicktor Suvorov, a former Spetsnaz soldier described in hisbook, one aspect of Spetsnaz Special Forces training is called pain management training. As he describes it, young soldiers are put through a harshseries of exercises, from taking full-force punches in the chest from their commanding officers without flinching, to getting burning cinderblocks broken over their stomachs with a sledgehammer.
As Vicktor Suvorov, a former Spetsnaz soldier described in hisbook, one aspect of Spetsnaz Special Forces training is called pain management training. As he describes it, young soldiers are put through a harshseries of exercises, from taking full-force punches in the chest from their commanding officers without flinching, to getting burning cinderblocks broken over their stomachs with a sledgehammer.
5. Russian Spetsnaz Hand Axe Training.
As part of the Russian Spetsnaz training, recruits are asked to do nearly physically impossible things with repeatable accuracy. This particular training exercise forces recruits to do a flip over a barbed wire fence while throwing a hatchet at a target.
As part of the Russian Spetsnaz training, recruits are asked to do nearly physically impossible things with repeatable accuracy. This particular training exercise forces recruits to do a flip over a barbed wire fence while throwing a hatchet at a target.
6. Philippine Navy SEAL Drunk “Hell Week”
During Philippine Navy SEAL’s final week of training, dubbed “Hell Week,” soldiers are required to stay awake for the entire week, without more than an hour rest at a time, while performing rigorous training exercises. What takes this to another level is that they’re required to do tasks such as target shooting, running six miles and swimming 18 miles, all while drunk.
7. Navy SEAL Surf Conditioning
For a total of eight minutes, Navy SEAL recruits are ordered to link arms and lay down on their backs, with their heads partially submerged in the cold ocean. Used to strengthen endurance and stamina, the SEALsare periodically instructed to shout at the top of their lungs while the surf crashes over their heads. |