10 Specifications An Average Nigerian Wants In A Tablet/phone
I have spent more years in nigeria more than any country..i am naija born.lagosian..eko oni baje o! today we will be looking at the Major S...
today we will be looking at the Major Specs an average Nigerian Wants In a Phone/Tablet (ipad) and The Major Tablets Which posses these Specs.
...1 User Friendly : When we talk about a Tablet/phone being user friendly,what we mean is that particular tablet/Phone to be easily understandable,simple and not comphisticated or hard to understand..it should have simple mechanism,instructions and form.. a user friendly phone/tablet should be quick to enjoy,understand and operate..this is what an average nigerian want in a phone.
..2 PRICE : this is the "koko".. when we talk about an average nigerian we talk about his/her pocket..because an average nigerian is like the middle class people..not too rich nor too poor..these are the people more in nigerian, so when we talking about price, the phone/tablet should be AFFORDABLE OR CHEAP.. the majority goes for cheap while others goes for affordable.. at least the gadget should be affordable to the common man..
..3 BATTERY LASTING : ehen! naija i hail thee! Nepa i hail una too! Ikeja electric! i trow way salute..generator sellers! i salute una o!.. see my people a tablet/phone shld have at least 4-5hours long last battery or more for an average nigerian to think of buying it. the condition of electricity in this country is nothing to write home about.. generator sef dey spoil battery.. so atleast for someone to consider getting any fone ..he checks the battery life of that phone.
..4 Enough Memory : Hardly will you see tablets or phones these days with 2GB ram.16Gb memory.. but i will specify some tablets/phones that has upto that.. an average nigerian man/woman wants a tab/phone with large memory so he can be able to enjoy difff files,apps,music etc in the phone without being frustrated.
..5 Durability : we dont have time changing phone up and down.. an average nigerian wants to use a phone or tab that can last at least a year if not more.. lol i remember my bold 2 back then..i rock am for 2yrs+ haha! dats how an average naija man wana do too..
..6 Good & Quality Camera : An average nigerian cant afford a new iphone the camera is wow..but atleast we want a tablet/phone that the camera quality is closer to that of real camera or iphone.. yes.. we wan post good pics on instagram,nairaland,facebook,twitter,snapchat etc. heheh
..7 Mobility : Yes o! we want phone/tabs that is less stressful, it should be slim and flat..not having much weight to be carried up and down.. when it is not gym we dey use am do.. we want simple and light weight something..
..8 Multi-Tasking : an average naija man wants a phone/tab that is fast and multi-tasking..you can open facebook,twitter,instagram,bbm,nairaland etc all at once and nothing they happen..lols..
..9 Sound : Yes, we dont want chinko fone dat sounds like trailer or lawma horn but we want a good volume and sweet sound of our tabs and phone.
..10 Classic,Trendy,Attractive : we no wan carry last..we love things that is atleast trendy and classic kind of.. hardly wll u see someone using Nokia 3310 or bird hahaha!
samsung is affordable,and strong,blackberry also,bryte tab is new in market but its strong and affordable also,acus is cool too avnt tried it,lenovo maybe..
my people the choice is yours..