Reasons Why A Lot Of Ladies Who Seek To Marry Still Remain Single - NewsHelm Nigeria

Reasons Why A Lot Of Ladies Who Seek To Marry Still Remain Single

There are a lot of single ladies out there who are supposed to have been married but still remain single. Most have had relationships an...

There are a lot of single ladies out there who are supposed to have been married but still remain single. Most have had relationships and for some reasons such relationship failed, with them being the primary cause of such failures, while some haven't even had the any.
Most times this is as a result of certain reasons that these ladies may be ignorant of

So here are some of those probable reasons why a lot of ladies who seek to marry still end up remaining single.

*Displaying Bad Attitudes
Some ladies tend have very repulsive attitudes that most men can't tolerate. Such attitudes might include being rude, being arrogant, being too hotheaded, not being able to heed to advice and basically not to carrying theirselves in a fashion that is morally acceptable.
Some ladies display egocentric characteristics and believe that men should worship the floor they walk while they are free to act as they like and most men are repelled by such
And most of the time, when all this bad attitudes are pointed out to these ladies, they still don't take heed and still continue in them.

*Ignorantly Joining The Feminist Band Wagon
The cause of feminism is growing rapidly during this our time and a lot of ladies just ignorantly claim to be feminists without even having a complete understanding of what feminism really entails.
These ladies, due to the certain standards they set and their requirements of the opposite sex, they tend to repel men instead of attract them.
Because of their lack of understanding of the concept of feminism, some even begin to grow a gradual dislike for men which they display through certain characters which cause men to pull away from them.

*Placing Too Much Emphasis On looks
A lot of ladies see their looks as their ultimate charm for attracting men. They see it as the only thing men want, and become oblivious of the fact that physical appearance is just a part of the requirements of wife, and they pay less attention to other parts of themselves that might need development.
Instead of them to build on their other qualities, they put all the effort and place too much attention to their looks and ignore certain aspects of themselves that need improvement.

*Not Putting Themselves Out There
There are ladies who sit around whine day to day about being single, waiting for fate to step in or magic to happen.
These ladies forget that life doesn't owe them anything, and that they have to strive and take the bull by the horns if they want to get what they want.
Of course it might be difficult for a lot of ladies putting themselves out there, as there are a lot of hindrances such as the nature of job, certain personalities traits and all that,
but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try to bring themselves out of their comfort zone.

Also, a lot of ladies fear rejection because they might have tried some relationships in times past but failed, and they let this fear creep into them and they become hesitant in wanting to commit to any new relationship.
They fail to understand that they a husband isn't just going to appear at their doorsteps They have to go out, meet people and engage in certain activities aimed at broadening their social circle.

*Being Too Desperate
Due to the fact that most ladies are so eager to marry, most show so much desperation and they end up putting too much pressure on their partners.
Some become to pushy and they constantly pressurize their partners into marrying them quickly, and this can be too demanding.
Men see that overly persistent attitude as a red light and some might even start placing meaning to it and at the end loose interest in the relationship.

*Making Themselves A Burden To Men
A lot of ladies, especially during dating tend to be too financially dependent on their partners for everything and this results in them becoming a nothing but a burden to their partners
They fail to realize that most men want women that can support them financially, not women that would just stay lazy around and expect men to just throw everything on their tables.

*Having Overly High Expectations
A lot of ladies set unrealistic expectations of the kind of man they want. Most of these standards tend to be absurd and unreasonable and it ends up limiting their choices.
You see ladies wanting their "dream' men to have particular physical characteristics, have certain educational status, attain a certain financial height, belong to a particular social class, and more often than not, they don't find men who possess all this qualities in one and keep on searching and searching until it becomes too late.

*Being Too Critical About Everything
A lot of ladies are too critical and judgmental about issues and they tend to always look at things from a pessimistic point of view.
They always tend to see nothing good in anything and they always look for someone to blame their predicaments on. All this can be really frustrating for their partners
Some are not even appreciative of little and always expect more.
They even go all the way to blame their partners for their own wrongs and most men just can't live with them.

*Not Taking Good Care Of Themselves
Although ones physical appearance isn't the most important thing men seek, but definitely, it's the first thing they see.
A lot of ladies tend not to pay too much attention on how they look, or how they dress.
They don't take care of hairs, their shape, their weights and generally, the way they look, some even dress shabbily and tattered and at the end wonder why men don't approach them.
Men are generally attracted to ladies that are attractive and if a man doesn't see a lady as such, he doesn't pay attention to her.

Giving Up Too Easily
A lot of women who might not be having it good in a relationship just tend to throw their hands up in the air and say, “I give up, there’s no point continuing"
But they fail to realize that not every guy they meet is the perfect guy
They forget that each experience be a learning experience, and they get discouraged easily.
They fail to understand that there are always trying times in every relationship and patience and perseverance is needed for things to work things out.


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