The Daily Pains Of A Handsome Guy - NewsHelm Nigeria

The Daily Pains Of A Handsome Guy

Being a handsome or good looking guy is a very wonderful gift of nature which every body see as a good thing. People who are born good loo...

Image result for Handsome Or Good Looking GuyBeing a handsome or good looking guy is a very wonderful gift of nature which every body see as a good thing. People who are born good looking are always grateful to be created that way by their maker. The society always tend to think these set of people always get things done easily because of their looks. They are also believed to always easily attract the female opposite sex of any type. They are given some kind of special preference most times.

But one thing people fail to notice is that these set of people are just human beings who encounter some setbacks as a result of their physical features.

Now let's analyse some of these setbacks or disadvantages together.

1) Objectification: People tend to objectify handsome or good looking guys. They tend to define you by only your superficial attributes and fail to read you as a person,,because they miss to see anything in you besides your looks. For example,, they hardly think you are good at anything else other than just being good looking. Your looks will seem to over shadow every other quality in you. This issue has tasked good looking guys to work harder and prove their worth to people that they have other things to offer than just a mere good looking physique.

2) Topic of discussion: To the Handsome guys in the house. Have you noticed that you seem to be a topic of discussion in little groups especially amongst idlers. Those who don't really have anything doing other than gossip. They just settle down to discuss you and say all sorts of things about you. Even the things that you can never do.

3)Envy/insecurity: Sometimes people tend to get envious at you for no reason. Some get jealous by mere looking at you. You'll have your friends whom are less good looking than you being insecure whenever you are around them. They wouldn't let you follow them whenever they want to meet their girlfriend. You try to be nice and they accuse you of trying to snatch their girlfriends.

4) Loneliness: It is a very surprising Fact that some,,if not most good looking guys are lonely. Except maybe the extroverts who defy the odds to make friends themselves. Most people conclude that guys who are handsome already have so many people clustered around them. A girl would see a good looking guy but she will choose to ignore him because she feels he already has a lot of girls at his beck and call,,therefore it would be a waste of time getting to know him. When this keeps happening,,you discover that most handsome guys have little or few friends while some are even single without a girlfriend to call their own.

5) High Expectations: Some times people give a lot of high expectations to good looking guys. Most times they expect you to be the head or leader. They feel since you are good looking you should be able to make decisions and be charismatic. They would want to follow your every step. While this can be very difficult for the guys who aren't outspoken/introverted,,it could work out well for the confident ones. So it's a bit of an advantage and disadvantage. But the problem comes when you do something out of what your followers expect of you. There will now be a crisis between pleasing yourself and pleasing the people that expect so much from you.

6)Pretty girls play hard to get: Now this is a very confusing fact. But it is of a truth that girls who are also good looking will play hard to get and put up a higher wall of defence when you are trying to approach them. Have you wondered why a beautiful girl easily succumbs to the toasting of that your "not-so-good-looking" friend but she keeps posting you whenever you approach her?. It is difficult to get their sense of interest. She feels that her showing of interest in you is a massive conceit of power.

7) Intimidation: The case is not any better with a less attractive girl. When a handsome guy is talking to a girl less attractive than he is she may feel way too intimidated. She may also feel he just wants to use her for sex and she wouldn't want to date someone more attractive than her because she can't use her sexuality power. A guy also has to become careful of this type as they may become really clingy to him after they have gone intimate for a while. And any sign of dis interest shown by him automatically makes him a heart breaker and from there he's tagged a "player".

8 ) Confidence is misunderstood for arrogance: The sub heading has already explained the point briefly. Good looking guys who are confident and not shy of showing off what they have are considered to be arrogant and proud. They are looked at as condescending. It has become so bad that they don't even know of the best way to reply to a compliment again. There is no way a handsome guy will reply such compliments without coming off as proud and ignoring the compliment completely is not even an option.

9) excessive self-confidence might turn into vanity: On the other hand,,we have some set of good looking guys who become over confident and dwell on their looks for everything. They allow the praises get to their head and concentrate on their looks alone. They ignore other important aspects of life and depend on their good looks to get them what they want. They forget that everything is vanity at the end.


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