Urhobo Names And Their Meanings
NAMES SHORTFORMS GENDER MEANINGS Akpenvwoghene Akpenvwe Unisex Praise God Anaborhi Naborhi UNISEX Be born with good destiny Edewor Dewor Ma...
Akpenvwoghene Akpenvwe Unisex Praise God
Anaborhi Naborhi UNISEX Be born with good destiny
Edewor Dewor Male Sacred day of worship in
traditional religion
Ejiroghene Ejiro Unisex Praise God
Ejokparoghene Jokpa or Oghene Unisex Let's trust in God
Ejomafuvwe Jomafuvwe or Jomafu Unuisex Let peace reign in my life
Enohor/Elohor Nohor or Lohor Female Blessing
Erhiaganoma Erhi or Rhiaganoma Male Guardian
spirit overpowers the body
Erhimeyoma Oyoma Unisex My guardian
spirit (God) is good
Erhinyoja Rhinyoja or Onyoja Unisex Guardian
spirit (God) meets our challenges (hears our prayers)
Erhinyuse Use Unisex Guardian spirit (God) answers prayers
Erhiroghene Erhi or Oghene Unisex The spirit of
Eseoghene Ese Unisex God's gift
Eserovwe Ese or Ovwe Unisex God’s grace or Free gift
Oghenebrume Brume Unisex God decided in my favor
Oghenechovwe Chovwe or Oghene Unisex God aided me
Oghenefejiro Ofejiro or Oghene Unisex God is praiseworthy
Oghenegaren Garen or Oghene Unisex God is great
Oghenekevwe Kevwe or Oghene Unisex God gave(provided for) me
Oghenekohwo Oghene or Kohwo Unisex God provides
Ogheneme Ome or Oghene Unisex My God
Oghenemine Mine or Mimi Unisex I look up to God
Oghenenyore Nyore or Oghene Unisex God answers prayers
Ogheneruemu Oghene Unisex God makes things possible
Oghenerukevwe Rukevwe or Ruks Unisex God did this for me
Ogheneruno Oruno or Runo Unisex God has so much (great)
Oghenetega Tega or Oghene Unisex God is worship- worthy
Oghenevwede Oghenede or Oghene Unisex God owns the day
Oghenevwogagan Gaga or Oghene Unisex God provides all strength
Oghenochuko Ochuko or Oghene Unisex God provides my support
Okeroghene Okeoghene or Oghene Unisex God’s own time
Omamerhi Mamerhi or Oma Unisex Good guardian spirit
Onakpoma Ono Unisex Who creates life?
Onomavwe Ono Unisex Who is my creator?
Onomine Ono or Mimi Unisex Whom do I look up to?
Onovughakpor Ono or Onovughe Unisex Who can predict what life can bring?
Oyovwikemo Kemo or Yovwike Unisex May our children be blessed