10 Ways Most Nigerian Students React After Checking Their Semester Results
1. They Refer To A Lecturer As Being Mean After checking their semester results, they amazingly keep their mouths widely opened like s...
1. They Refer To A Lecturer As Being Mean
After checking their semester results, they amazingly keep their mouths widely opened like someone who lost his Bet9ja ticket. They will analyze how cheap the questions were; how they finished before time; and how they attempted all the questions correctly. They will blame their lecturers saying they barely crown the effort of students no matter how they answer their questions correctly, if not, they ought to have been graded an "A"
2. They Leap Praises On Themselves
Just because the y were fortunate to hit high scores while others did not, you will see them walk-bouncing and parading the class, raising shoulders and praising themselves just to intimidate others that did not perform so well
3. They Start Crying
As we know thatI observe that guys barely cry after checking their results, but the ladies deserve a standing ovation for this. After checking their results, they will place their hands on their heads crying and sweating profusely as if they just lost a relative. They will keep checking every five minutes expecting their grades to change miraculously
4. They Put Blame Invigilators
These ones will always blame their failure or low grades on the strict invigilators who prevented them from girraf-ing, or communicating with their friends, and/or insufficient time. if not, they ought to have scored at least a/an "A" or "B". When they score "
5. They Will Cross Out Their Names
These ones will check their results and would act like they have passed but will come back later at night to cancel their names and grades
6. "Thank God I Did Not Carry The Course" Crew
These ones will go straight to d end of their results to see if there is any carry over before even checking grades proper. You will see them go on their knees singing praises to God that they narrowly escaped CARRY OVER. I call them LET MY PEOPLE GO crew
7. They Check The Grades Of Other Students
The ones might have crammed the matric numbers of most students must while some might have even compiled the list of all students in a piece of paper and will bring it along with them when result is released. You will see them come under the disguise of checking their results, when if fact, they are checking that of other students.
8. They Console Others
These ones will check their results without even saying anything. Either they fail or pass, no one knows.
You will see them consoling their colleges who have failed.
9. They Stay Miles Away From The Result Board
They will come and stay few miles away from the board waiting for other students to vacate the board before they check theirs. This is because they are not sure of themselves and they don't want the breeze to expose the anus of the fowl
10. Feel free to add the last one