Risks Associated With MouthAction
MouthAction is a sexual activity which involves the use of the mouth to stimulate partner’s genitals. There are several types; cunnilingus...
Nippling is sucking or licking your partner’s Tips. It carries almost no risk of any infection. Rimming is stimulation of the partner’s anus with tongue or lips. Note that the anus is not a very clean area of the body, there is no doubt that rimming will lead to a transfer of germs to the mouth.
MouthAction is now widely practised in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships. For many years, it was regarded as an almost unmentionable activity. But these days, research suggests that most sexually active people go in for MouthAction sometimes.
Out of the different types of MouthAction, MouthAction and cunnilingus are extremely popular, and are widely regarded as a normal, enjoyable part of a sexual relationship. Furthermore, it is been shown that MouthAction has certain positive aspects. MouthAction can be extraordinarily effective at helping women to reach a climax. It can also help men who have difficulties in getting an Attention. It also cannot get a woman pregnant.
A lot of people get concerned; whether MouthAction could give them infection. Because of concerns about the possibility of HIV and other infections transmission through the widespread practice of MouthAction, the UK Department of Health set up an expert group to report back on the matter. In broad summary, their main conclusions were:
HIV and other infections can be transmitted by MouthAction. MouthAction is certainly much safer when it comes to transmitting HIV and other infections than rectal or anal sex. MouthAction is probably safer than vaginal intercourse. Though ulcers in the mouth could increase the risk, in this case, MouthAction could be more risky than penetrative sex.
In the case of cunnilingus, there may be an increased risk of transmission if the woman is menstruating. There is no evidence that mouthwashes could reduce the risk of infection. Using condoms during MouthAction could reduce the chance of infection, but not eliminate it.