20 Hilarious Grammars Of Patrick Obahiagbon And Their Meaning
Patrick Obahiagbon, who once represented Oredo Federal Constituency of Edo state shot to limelight the moment he arrived the House of Rep...
Patrick Obahiagbon, who once represented Oredo Federal Constituency of
Edo state shot to limelight the moment he arrived the House of
Representatives in 2007 with his uncanny knack for jaw-breaking
If you have ever listened to the honorable member speak before, you will agree with me that you need your dictionary to actually understand his big big grammar….LOL
Here is a compilation of the top 20 Jaw breaking words ever used by the grammarian and their meanings:
1. Crinkum-crankum – Elaborate or detailed (archaic)
2. Megalomania – a mental illness or condition in which somebody has an exaggerated belief in their own importance or power.
3. Jiggery-pokery – Tricky, misrepresentation and manipulation.
4. Mephistophelean – wicked
5. Kakistocracy – Government under the control of a nation’s worst or least-qualified citizens
6. Braggadocio – Boost full or arrogant behavior
7. Ratiocination– The forming of judgment by a process of logical reason
8. Phantasmagoria – a sequence of imaginary images
9. Gargantuan –extremely large
10. Bugaboo – an object of fear
11. Pooh-pooh – Dismiss as being foolish or impractical
12. Insalubrious – unwholesome and unhealthy
13. Odoriferous – having an odor.
14. Lugubrious – mournful, sad, dismal
15. Malodorous – smelling very unpleasant
16. Termagant – a woman who is very strict and who tries to tell people to do things in an unpleasant way
17. Conundrum – A confusing problem or question that is too difficult to solve
18. Alacrit – great willingness or enthusiasm
19. Mendacious – Not telling the truth
20. Egregious – Outstandingly bad and shocking.
If you have ever listened to the honorable member speak before, you will agree with me that you need your dictionary to actually understand his big big grammar….LOL
Here is a compilation of the top 20 Jaw breaking words ever used by the grammarian and their meanings:
1. Crinkum-crankum – Elaborate or detailed (archaic)
2. Megalomania – a mental illness or condition in which somebody has an exaggerated belief in their own importance or power.
3. Jiggery-pokery – Tricky, misrepresentation and manipulation.
4. Mephistophelean – wicked
5. Kakistocracy – Government under the control of a nation’s worst or least-qualified citizens
6. Braggadocio – Boost full or arrogant behavior
7. Ratiocination– The forming of judgment by a process of logical reason
8. Phantasmagoria – a sequence of imaginary images
9. Gargantuan –extremely large
10. Bugaboo – an object of fear
11. Pooh-pooh – Dismiss as being foolish or impractical
12. Insalubrious – unwholesome and unhealthy
13. Odoriferous – having an odor.
14. Lugubrious – mournful, sad, dismal
15. Malodorous – smelling very unpleasant
16. Termagant – a woman who is very strict and who tries to tell people to do things in an unpleasant way
17. Conundrum – A confusing problem or question that is too difficult to solve
18. Alacrit – great willingness or enthusiasm
19. Mendacious – Not telling the truth
20. Egregious – Outstandingly bad and shocking.