PHOTOS: Man Punished Like a Child After Selling N28,000 Stolen Car Battery for N2,000
Kazeem Oseni, a panel-beater and ex convict got punished the wayward kid way after he was nabbed stealing a ca...
The victim, Femi, announced the incident on Social Media.
According to him, ever since Kazeem returned from several car batteries have been reported missing.
"Unfortunately for kazeem when mine was stolen i raised an alarm ,unlike others who kept quite and replaced theirs for kazeem to come back and steal it again.
''kazeem Aka Alake was a prime suspect because he was found loitering around at an early hour of the day and because kazzem has previously been jailed for stealing a couple of years back it wasn't difficult to make him a prime suspect ,during a constructive interogation by myself with him all I had to do was play reverse physcology with him and he agreed to return my battery, just because he didnt want the case to excalate.we handed him over to the police for further interrogation on who he sells the other stolen batteries too,I was shocked when I realize kazeem sells a 28thousand naira battery for 2thousand naira not caring about the discomfort he would create for the car owners when they realize there battery is missing.