26 Facts You Never Knew About Twitter - NewsHelm Nigeria

26 Facts You Never Knew About Twitter

1. This was Twitter's first ever homepage. The site opened to the public on July 15, 2006. The first person to send a tweet was ...

1. This was Twitter's first ever homepage. The site opened to the public on July 15, 2006.

The first person to send a tweet was Co-founder Dorset, beating Biz Stone by a minute—on March 21, 2006, at 4:50 p.m. The tweet now has more than 50,000 retweets.

2.Twitter was founded on a play ground.

Founding team member Dom Sagolla says the group went on the highest point of a slide at a play ground in South Park, a little neighborhood in San Francisco, and Jack Dorsey talked about a "thought so simple that you don't even think it—you simply write." This little motivation has transformed into a multibillion-dollar organization.

3.The user with the highest base of followership is American singer Katy Perry with over 101 million followers, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and Katy Perry have
more Twitter followers than the entire populations of Germany, Turkey, South Africa, Canada, Argentina and Egypt combined.

4.@ArabicBest is in the lead for the account following the most users;the profile shows it follows 2.4 million accounts.

5.@Yougakduan_00, a girl from Japan holds the record for the highest number of tweets with an astonishing 36,402,262 tweets before Twitter suspended her account, likely because of the excessive tweeting.

6.The bird on Twitter logo actually has a name

Yes, you read it right, the popular iconic bird y see in Twitter's logo shown in TV commercials, print ads and practically every website is named Larry, —was named after Boston Celtics legend Larry Bird.

7.Twitter was almost called Twitch. Before finalizing on the name, the team looked at the Oxford English Dictionary. "We found the word Twitter," Dorsey says. "And Twitter means a short inconsequential burst of information , chirps from birds. And we were like, that describes exactly what we're doing here."

8.The domain name twitter.com was already taken as at 2006 when the company was starting up, they had to buy it from the owner, the page was empty before it was bought.

9.Ending a tweet with an empty hashtag is called a hangtag, and it's Twitter's version of the mic drop, the team at Medium declared recently.

10.Dorsey was reportedly brokenhearted when Instagram was sold to Facebook for $1 billion in cash and stock in April 2012.

11.Twitter Co founder Dorsey has not posted on his instagram account ever since Facebook purchased the company in 2012

12.It took Three years, two months and one day in between from the first tweet to the 1 billionth tweet.

13. You can find your first ever tweet at First-Tweets.com

14.The service sees more than 500 million tweets a day now.

15.Twitter (288 million) has 1 billion fewer monthly active users than Facebook (1.39 billion) has.

16.Twitter's fourth co-founder Noah Glass was kicked out of the company, according to the book "Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal," by Nick Bilton of The New York Times . Glass is said to have made almost no money from Twitter's IPO, Glass has only tweeted five times over the last five years. His bio reads, "I started this."

17.Twitter was thinking about creating a feature called "worship" in the early days. "If you worshipped someone, you would get every single one of their messages,"

18.Facebook tried buying Twitter—twice, according to Bilton. Each time, Twitter pushed the "dislike" button.

19.Why are posts limited to 140 characters? Twitter was born as an SMS phone service designed to fit its character limit.

20.Twitter didn't actually start the use of the Hashtag

Use of the hashtag (#) to sort content goes back to 1988 and users communicating on Internet Relay Chat Clients (IRC), which resembled old- school chatrooms. It wasn't until 2007 that The hashtag was created by a Twitter user. In August 2007, @ChrisMessina tweeted, "how do you feel about using #(pound) for groups. As in #barcamp [msg]?" He is now referred to as "The Hashtag Godfather."

21.The most retweeted tweet ever came from Ellen DeGeneres in March 2014.
The star-studded selfie tweet at the Oscars produced 3.4 million retweets.

22.Mark Zuckerberg (@finkd)—also not verified— has 330,000 followers but has only tweeted 19 times and just once since March 2009.

23.Police in Granada have their Twitter handles written on their uniforms .

24.Facebook is on Twitter; Twitter is on Facebook. Twitter has 15.3 million Facebook fans, while Facebook has 13.9 million Twitter followers.

25.Account @everyword tweeted out every word in the English dictionary.

26.Twitter won't allow you to follow more than 2,000 people unless you have 2,000 followers.


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