PHOTOS: Newy Married Woman Disappears And Her Husband Kills Himself Before A Polygraph Test
Jo Ringer, a newly married woman is missing and the only person who could lead the police to solve the mystery, her husband, has commit...

Jo Ringer, a newly married woman is missing and the only person who could lead the police to solve the mystery, her husband, has committed suicide ahead of a lie detector test, leaving people wondering what exactly happened.
Jo is believed to have gone missing sometime in the beginning of March and on March 4, Chad Reidy, 42, called the police to report the incident. He claimed it had been 24 hours since he had not seen his wife of two months. He returned from his overnight shift at the local supermarket and noticed Jo, 39, had not made breakfast which was unusual, so he began to look for her. He spent the entire day driving around their hometown of Clarksburg, Massachusetts, and in neighboring towns, looking for any sign of her but got nothing, so he involved the police.
As investigators began to question the missing woman's friends and family, they found out that the couple’s relationship wasn’t as blissful as it appeared. Police say they gathered their relationship was filled with extreme highs and lows. Investigators discovered Jo had told one of her friends, “If anything ever happens to me, don’t underestimate Chad — because it was probably him.”
Before police could ask Chad about this statement by his wife, he killed himself. Chad was found dead in his garage in an apparent suicide on April 7. Only days before, he had undergone a preliminary polygraph screening in preparation for a lie detector test. He died before the lie detector test could be done. Days later, his high school sweetheart Laura Reilly was charged with three counts of misleading a police officer after she was seen in surveillance footage with Chad on March 2, two days before he reported Jo missing. Laura pleaded not guilty to the charges and her attorney Jesse Adams gave a statement to People, saying she had nothing to do with the disappearance of Jo Ringer.
Jo’s only child, Savanah Ringer, 19, doesn't believe Laura has told investigators everything she knows. Savanah went through her mother’s Facebook messages and discovered accusations of abuse against Chad and an off-and-on affair with Laura.
Savannah told People: “I think Chad and Laura had been seeing each other. I think they might have wanted to get back together.”
With Chad dead and Laura maintaining her innocence, Jo's family and friends are left with more questions than answers and all they can do at the moment is wait and hope.