Donald Trump Banned From Entering UK Town
The United States President, Donald Trump, has been banned from entering the United States town of Greenwich by the Councillors. ...

The United States President, Donald Trump, has been banned from entering
the United States town of Greenwich by the Councillors.
It has been revealed that the Councillors in Greenwich, UK, have
voted to bar Donald Trump from the borough ahead of his proposed state
According to Reuters, the Labour-run council, at a meeting on
Tuesday night, called on the Government to abandon its plans to host the
President in the new year.
Greenwich Council said that it had adopted a motion for the state visit not to go ahead, and that “should a state visit go ahead, President Trump would not be welcome in the Borough.”
Additionally, the council expressed “alarm at the decision of
President Trump to retweet islamophobic propaganda” and “sadness at the
President’s bigoted attitude towards women and ethnic minorities”.
The leader of the council, Councillor Denise Hyland, said: “On a
daily basis we work hand in hand with residents from all communities to
ensure this borough is a peaceful and welcoming place that celebrates
difference and diversity, but in the case of President Trump we are
willing to make an exception.
“We are one of 32 London boroughs, all different, all individual but all home to people from across the world.
“This diversity strengthens our borough. It enriches our lives
on a daily basis. And it reminds us all that we have so much more in
common than divides us.
“As one of the most multi-cultural London boroughs, we are a
place that has worked tirelessly to break down barriers. We have no time
for people who want to build walls, when we have done so much to break
them down.”
Some thought the visit would be cancelled after Donald Trump and
Theresa May had a disagreement over the President’s retweeting of
anti-Muslim videos posted by far-right group Britain First.