5 Quick And Easy Tips To Pass WAEC-GCE 2018 - NewsHelm Nigeria

5 Quick And Easy Tips To Pass WAEC-GCE 2018

They have been lots of emphasize on Jamb 2018 by most education authors but in this article on metrodailies.com,we shall be exploring ne...

They have been lots of emphasize on Jamb 2018 by most education authors but in this article on metrodailies.com,we shall be exploring new ways on how you can pass waec gce 2018 with fantastic scores with intensive 3 weeks reading.By now we want to assume,you have been reading before now even if you haven't this article is for you.This article is also important for those sitting for jamb

5.Don,t Be Afraid
Try your best to cancel every form of fears in Your mind:With fear in you,everything you read will be a waste.You must have the belief that you can come out with a fantastic score in your waec-gce.Let me tell you something "the fear of WAEC is one of the reasons why students fail the exam. You have to remain confident in yourself and ability to pass the exam"

4.Increase you reading time-
Now is the time to increse the rate at which you read,Don't say you have been reading all these while its now time for you to rest.If you have been reading for 4 hours before increase it to 7 hours.You can split the seven hours by studying text books for 3 hours in the morning and solving questions for the remaining 4 hours In the evening.Know the period that suits you the most if its late at night,morning or afternoon.I tell you do not slow down on your readings ,You are doing your self a big favor with your sleepless nights.Who Knows if its this moment what you have been tyrying to understand will finally be understood.You have a lots of time to rest after the exams.

3.Don't Just read Study past questions-Read with sense
Pick a year for example you can say you want to solve from year 2010-2017,its not too hard for you to do ,try to solve it thrice before the exams day.Don't Just solve questions,solve questions relevant to the present syllabus,nothing outside of waec syllabus comes out in waec exams.I tell you WAEC are master repeaters of questions,Solving past questions will open your eyes to noticing some questions that are always repeated.Take note of those Questions as they are likely to be repeated.

2.Time Yourself-
Don't Just solve questions, while solving set a time limit.For Subjects like chemistry,physics and mathematics when solving them you can set half the time limit that will be given to you in the Exam hall;lets say you will be given 2 hrs,deduct 1 hour when solving questions before the exams date,so as to improve your speed limit.Don't be deceived speed matters in all exams.Im not saying you should rush yourself speedily am just saying be fast so you can cross-check what you have done from the scratch i.e the begining of your works.

1.Don't Folow the crowd-
There is a popular saying even during my days as a student in secondary school,which goes like this "you can not pass waec on your own".I tell you that that is a lie from the pits of hell,You don't need to bribe anyone to pass you just need to be very serious at the dying moments which is "Now".Don't put it in your mind that you have to bribe someone for answers as this will slow down your reading and seriousness level.Avoid all the online scams telling you to send recharge cards or money in order to get questions they are all frauds.

Conclusion-It is Our greatest desires you excel in Your Exams,he doesn't matter how long you have been writing Waec whats important is you have been given another chance.One more thing never neglect Studying English language and Mathematics,They need a  large commitment as your other courses,as you know without a Credit  you can't study any relevant  course In the university or other tertiary institutions


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