PHOTOS: Top 10 Hilarious Names Of Nigerian Churches - NewsHelm Nigeria

PHOTOS: Top 10 Hilarious Names Of Nigerian Churches

1. Run For Your Life Ministry Is this church created only for runners or for some extreme believers who prefer living fast and furious?...

1. Run For Your Life Ministry

Is this church created only for runners or for some extreme believers who prefer living fast and furious? So it is a huge field for thinking about the name of this church. But I am honestly not sure whether this is a good way to attract visitors.
vllkyt7jfbr0cug76.d293516d - Top 10 hilarious names of Nigerian churches (Photos)

2. Jesus Elections Ministries

If you are still looking for your place under the sun and not sure what to do with your life, set up a church in Nigeria with any hilarious name you are only capable of making up. Yes! This one you can take as an example. Success is guaranteed!
vllkyt14i7aa0teqk8.d439bc87 - Top 10 hilarious names of Nigerian churches (Photos)

3. Helicopter of Christ ministry

By the way how much does the ticket cost? Is it available for everyone? So if you are looking for any extreme spiritual or psychotherapy, join this absolutely unique church. Sounds exciting, but hopelessly ridiculous.
vllkyt1rohlbjd5e4g.b00dce83 - Top 10 hilarious names of Nigerian churches (Photos)

4. Mountain of Swallowing Problems Interdenominational Prayer Ministry

I like the word “interdenominational”. It is not only long to pronounce but also means incredible flexibility that accepts any branch of the religion. So from transport, we are slowly coming to the geographical spots. Mountain, island, iceberg, what is the next one? Why did I mention everything except of swallowing problems? I tried to divert your attention because in this case there is no adequate reaction than laughter.
vllkyt2424m95ahev.8bf532d9 - Top 10 hilarious names of Nigerian churches (Photos)

5. Barking Methodist church

And there is one more miracle in the world – Barking Methodist church. I can hardly imagine what the fellows of this church are doing while they are praying. Barking and howling? A rhetorical question, no answer, please.
vllkyt1r5672pf283o.75b4dfee - Top 10 hilarious names of Nigerian churches (Photos)

6. The Atomic Bomb Bible Brigade Ministry

God knows what the authors meant by this name. Is it a military base or any extremist group? It sounds too aggressive as for a peaceful church. But if the Barking church and Swallowing problems one exist in this dark world, why not then?

7. Laboratory Church of God

A blow below the belt for skeptics – it turns out scientifically confirmed that God exists. No more doubts anymore! Go to this church and get all proofs you need. But wait, God expects you to believe on the word. So it is up to you who to follow.
vllkyt6cgqab21a11.a93a0914 - Top 10 hilarious names of Nigerian churches (Photos)

8. NTA Channel Jesus

Well, what can I say? We are living in the world of intercommunication. And the best way to proclaim the word of God is better to do through a media tool. That is why after the transport, and mountain, the God has decided to get a channel. Well-done!
vllkyt1nvcs3bekuc8.5feb1ab9 - Top 10 hilarious names of Nigerian churches (Photos)

9. How to Identify a Witch

Yes, we promote a hi-tech society where even the God has an own channel. But at the same time some of our people are still obsessed with the Middle Ages romance, the idea of inquisition and the witch hunting. If you are in the latter group, join this church.
vllkytplv3qp3nagg.f2f8b03f - Top 10 hilarious names of Nigerian churches (Photos)

10. Who are you to Jesus Ministry

The last but not the least question is who are you to Jesus? Think about that or you had better visit this church and maybe the answer will come to you in there.
vllkyt199vr4ou96s.2a5d54ed - Top 10 hilarious names of Nigerian churches (Photos)
Well, I admit that there is too much sarcasm here. Who knows what people are taught in such churches. Are good or bad people leading such meetings? But as it is said above, no judgment, right. And what is your opinion about such funny names of churches in Nigeria?


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