Signs You Are Unhealthy But You Probably Ignore
Health Is the the level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In human it is the ability of individuals to a...
Health Is the the level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In human it is the ability of individuals to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, Psychological and social changes with the environment. we think doctors have all the answers to all health problems, Many times, the have no answer at all. Before going to a doctor why don’t you be your own doctor for a while.
Here are some signs to watch out for which really shows you are unhealthy and that you need to visit your doctor.
1. Hair
When you are Overwhelmed, for any number of reasons, your hair will begin to show signs of stress which means you losing more than the standard 100 strands a day. Your hair also becomes brittle, thin and dull when all you eat is too much junk food and not including fresh, vibrant fruits and vegetables, also when you don,t eat good food or you are dehydrated. If ignored can lead to hair lose.
Remedies ….. continue reading
2. Pimples On the forehead
This may be as a result of your body is struggling with the liver and gallbladder. It is usually linked to the digestive system, and may indicate that you have a hard time breaking down certain foods. Also consumption of greasy and fatty food. Also may be caused by not taking care of your hair, which can result from dandruff , oily scalp and dirty hair.
3. Nails
The nail has a lot to tell about your body, the shape, texture an color of your natural nail act as a window into your body, and while some nail symptoms are harmless, others can be indicative of chronic diseases. Even the growth of your nails give clue about your health.
Yellow Nails
Yellow nail can be as a result of old age or due to the use of nail polish. smoking also stain nails.
If your nails are Thick, crumby and yellow, its as a result of fungal infection.
also yellow nail can be related to Thyroid diseases, diabetes,or respiratory diseases.
Dark discoloration : This may be as a result of Melanoma one of the deadliest form of skin cancer
4. Tongue
The tongue is the door to understand what’s happening inside you body. And the nice thing is that you don’t have to do many tests to determine just where you have an issue because your tongue is the first place where many internal disorders will show up.
White residue on the middle to the ……
5. Urine
Your Urine could tell you more about whats happening in your body: check out
What the color of your urine means
6. Eyes
Your eyes are the window to the soul and it can say some pretty interesting stuff about your insides.
Puffy or swollen eyelids: This can be as a result of Impaired kidney function.
Pupil is large or abnormal reactions to light kindly visit a professional as it could reveal an underlaying medical condition.
Yellow Eyes: This can mean a variety of things such as liver disease, diabetes, hepatitis or cirrhosis.
Redness or Inflammation: this can mean lupus, arthristis, thyroid disease, or scleritis.
If you are having spasms or twitches its a sign of stress, caffeine or fatigue, go get some rest.
7. Sleep Patterns
Not getting enough sleep is bad, but so is over sleeping. There is, like most things a healthy balance. People who don’t get enough sleep could suffer from obesity in the long run. Less sleep also affects out metabolism and ability to put on and take off weight. Less sleep changes how heart responds to situations and studies shows that people with less sleep could suffer from hypertension and those who over sleep could suffer from strokes.
Not getting Enough sleep messes with the immune system, big time.
Sleeping around seven to eight hours is ideal, but more or less could lead to some serious complicated health issues.