5 Facts About Forgiveness - NewsHelm Nigeria

5 Facts About Forgiveness

God expressly commands us to forgive those that hurt us not matter how infinitesmal and exbortant it seems to be. God is the biggest forgiver of all. Jesus exemplified forgiveness on the cross - Luke 23:4. Since He is our father and He expects us to be like Him, then we are to walk in forgiveness - Luke 6:36. We are able to forgive by the help of the Holy Spirit and the love of God that has been shed abroad in our hearts. Without forgiveness, we are locked in a prison of bitterness and anger - with forgiveness the good side is the case.
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1) Forgiveness is a commandment - Commandment is when God has implored us to abide to certain rules inorder to inherit the kingdom of heaven. When we forgive those that "wronged" us, we actually abide by Gods law/rule which is the most important.
Luke 6:36 Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful
Though all have sinned and fallen short of His glory, we still have to learn and emulate His ways - in His mercy, He'd forgive us from our sins.
Many people think it's hard for a mere mortal man but some people have overcome the storms.

2. When you forgive, you are doing yourself a favor not just the other person - Inasmuch as you are forgiving someone else his wrong-doings towards you, it's also for YOUR own good, to get automatically closer to God. Like bible rightly opined that our salvations is in our hands. So, when we forgive, we aren't doing it for anyone else but ours, even though God will sanctify both of you, because he/she asked for forgiveness.
Mark 11:25 "And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything agains anyone, forgive him, that your father in heaven may also forgive you your tresspasses
We wrong God whenever we nuture a bad thought, and he still forgive us in his infinite mercy.

3. Praying for those who hurt you and blessing them help you overcome the bitterness of hurt- This line is self explanatory with common sense, and doesn't require a biblical verse to support it.
Have a friend or anybody, back-bite, insult, gossip etc about you? If you retaliate in self defence, it would take you decades(hyperbole) to overcome the hate. But when you thank him/her gracefully, the thought will go away. That's the feelings when you let it go whilst, praying for your enemies.

4. Unforgiveness hinders your faith walk and intimacy with God - When you fail to forgive, it hinders your growth in relationships with God and contradict your belief in Christ.
You shall love your neighbour as yourself - Mark 12:31. If you find it easy to forgive yourself, you can as well, forgive your neighbour.
Mark 11:25 - This same verse is applied here, as in Number 2.

5. Forgive people in advance- It sounds like a birthday or thank you greetings for a promise to be fufilled in the future. But we should endeavour to forgive in advance i.e getting ready to forgive trespasser before he/she tresspasses.
Proverb 12:16 A fool's wrath is known at once,
But a prudent man covers shame.

When we forgive, we covers the shame that follows it but a fool still hold grudges.


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