4 Simple Exercises To Help You Get Rid Of Belly Fat - NewsHelm Nigeria

4 Simple Exercises To Help You Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Its always disappointing when your trouser's waist line is being obstructed by a protruding and sometimes sagging stomach. That's ...

Its always disappointing when your trouser's waist line is being obstructed by a protruding and sometimes sagging stomach. That's because of excess belly fat, and how can you get rid of it?.
The names used to acknowledge belly fat are numerous, pot belly, áfor bolombolo (Igbo phrase for balloon stomach), and beer belly. This is a very common situation among the populace. It's actually more common in women than in men, so Madames take note. We will show our versatility by writing on fitness. Today you will learn about belly fat, it's health risks and the simplest exercises that will help you get rid of that self esteem assassin. Are you with me? Let's go.
Here's a little introduction;

Belly fat or abdominal fat is a condition that is characterized by excess fat accumulating in the abdominal area. The name of the fat is Adipose tissue. It is primarily caused by eating too much carbohydrates. And secondarily caused by drinking too much alcohol.
There is a big reason to worry about it because of the huge connection between excess belly fat and the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.
It's actually not all that bad because it also secretes a hormone called leptin. This hormone regulates satisfaction from hunger. This is just to show you that belly fat is not bad, you just don't need excess.
Before we see the exercises I want us to bear something in mind. It is not possible to loss fat in just one specific area of your body by exercising. You will also lose fat at other regions. And that eating more carbohydrates while exercising won't help you reduce the fat. Proteins and fruits will do. Now let's check them out.

1. Walking
Walking is one of the most simplest, commonest and safest exercise. It can help you burn fat in the abdominal region. Of course you might say that you walk often. But if you want to burn calories by walking it should be in a fast paced manner, no matter the distance. Walking also helps the cardiovascular system. It is great for reducing dangerous belly fat around the kidney and liver. Make your walking more fast paced to get better results. If you are worried that your crush might see you "cheetah-walking" you could walk indoors or do it very early in the morning.

2. Swimming
Swimming is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that alleviates the presence of abdominal fat in the tummy. Swimming challenges a lot of your muscles. It also has few risks except for, you know, drowning. Like I said about walking, you should also swim in a fast paced manner to achieve a flat tummy. Your swimming should involve high tempo and strenuous strokes. Here's a bonus, swimming in warm water will help you lose more calories than a cold one. This is basically due to increased metabolism and sweating.

3. Cycling
Cycling is a great exercise. It just doesn't helps you burn calories. It also helps you relax mentally. It involves almost all the muscles of the body. But the area cycling is more effective is your leg muscles. However cycling also reduces belly fat when it is done regularly. Cycling challenges the abdominal muscles by using its force to push the leg.

4. The lying leg raise exercise
This exercise is pretty simple and self explanatory. All you do is, you lie on a flat surface, down on your back with your arms behind your head and you raise your leg one after the other up and down. This exercise will contract your abdominal muscles and groin muscles too. You may feel pain at first but with time and regular practice you will get over it. Another way to do it is to lie on your back, place your two legs together and raise them up. Then have someone push your leg down with force. What you then do is hold your leg before it goes down. Repeat it often.


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