10 Ways To Start Living A Passion Driven Life
I summited Mt. Kilimanjaro on the Fourth of July, 2014, my personal declaration of independence. Before I took the 30-mile journey ...
summited Mt. Kilimanjaro on the Fourth of July, 2014, my personal
declaration of independence. Before I took the 30-mile journey to the
oxygen-sparse air at 19,000 feet, I had to climb a real-life mountain,
overcoming my restrictive thoughts and daily responsibilities.
At age 44, the questions seemingly
outnumbered my reasons for going. Would my husband let me? How would my
four children fare? What would everyone think as I left during the final
summer before my twins went to college? Could I handle 10 days away as a
solopreneur? Would I contract a life-threatening disease in Africa?
Furthermore, I had never climbed a mountain; did I have the stamina to
make it to the top? Where in the world would I find the time to train?
And most importantly, should I travel to another country to climb a mountain when no one seemed to understand why I would do such a thing?
The trek to the roof of Africa was truly
unforgettable. The summit was literally and figuratively breathtaking.
But the true transformation occurred before I took my first steps at the
base of the mountain: permission to chase my dreams and live out my
passion. I didn’t need to close my business, stress out my husband or
leave my children behind to climb a mountain.
You don’t have to travel to Africa to pursue your passion. Give yourself permission to pursue your passion right now.
1. Bring recess back
Childhood was about fun, exploration and
the opportunity to learn and grow. Playing was a full-time job! Take a
journey back to recess. Ask your family what got you excited as a kid.
Look at old photos and remember your childhood passions. Were you a
fanatic on the jungle gym? Maybe cross-fit will be your next addiction.
Have you forgotten how fun choir was in seventh grade? A karaoke night
or sing-along might be just what you need
2. Just admit it, to yourself
Sometimes we don’t bother admitting to
our dreams because we can’t see a path beyond our bank account and the
people who depend on us. Unearth your passion by asking yourself what
you would do if resources and responsibilities were no object. Before
you nod off to sleep tonight, declare your desire to someday run a
marathon or travel to Australia. You never know what might happen next!
3. Live your passion, right now
An all-or-nothing approach might be
standing in the way of experiencing your passion. You don’t need to quit
your job or put your house on the market to pursue what you love. So
you chose a project management career instead of interior design school.
Who cares? Carve out a few hours this week to help a friend redesign
her daughter’s room.
4. Do a little research
The unknown can feel like a
insurmountable wall, standing between you and the possibility of
experiencing your passion. A little research might reveal your
passion-driven life isn’t out so out of reach. Get the details; how much
time and money would it take to sign up for a class, learn to play
soccer or sit in the audience of your favorite talk show? With just a
bit of information, your imagination will begin to cut a path to a
future filled with your dreams.
5. Tell and show someone
Sometimes all it takes to bring your
passion to life is a simple conversation with another human. Share your
desires with the people around you. Show your best friend the sculpture
you created in college. At the dinner table, surprise your family with
your skiing aspirations. Expressing your passions out loud will make
those dreams more tangible and likely.
6. Shadow or volunteer to do the real thing
Feed your passions with real-world
experiences and your dreams will sharpen and evolve. Spend the day with
an event planner and experience all that it takes to transform an empty
warehouse into a place for celebration. Perhaps you love to act and
sing. Why not volunteer for a stint with the community theater? Whether
you are part of the cast, building sets or organizing the costumes, you
can enjoy the privilege of living in your passion.
7. Create or join a passion group
The only thing better than pursuing your
passions is sharing your excitement and anticipation with someone feels
the same way you do. Train for your first marathon with a running
group. Or, surprise your best friend and skating enthusiast with tickets
to a professional skating competition. It’s always fun to do what you
love with someone who loves it too!
8. Create a vision board
Turn your daydreams into a roadmap to
your passions. Elevate your intentions by buying some materials, digging
through images online and finding the perfect phrases in your old
magazines. Put your passions on display by creating a vision board for
your office or breakfast nook. You never know; your long shot might be
just around the corner.
9. Play dress up
Stepping into your passion can be as
simple as playing dress up. Buy one of those super-sharp knives and
learn how to chop onions from a YouTube video. Plate your food like a
pro in traditional chef coat as you serve a five-course dinner for your
friends. Don’t wait until you have lost weight to buy fun workout
clothing. Buy the splashy running tights you have saved in your online
shopping cart and own your passion in the moment.
10. Make space for it in your life
You may never get to experience your
passions if your yarn, pattern books and knitting needles are boxed up
in the attic. Create an appealing space in your basement to create your
masterpieces. Buy a used desk and refinish it, install a shelving unit
and outfit a writing corner you can slip into when you have a few hours
to spare. Creating physical space makes room for the mental space you
need to pursue your passions today.
Don’t let your circumstances get in the way of your visions. Give yourself permission to experience your dreams.