PHOTOS: Dencia Is Living Her Best Life
Dencia may be decked up in glamorous designer clothes, but,she has revealed she actually prefers to rock her pajamas. The Whitenicious...
Dencia may be decked up in glamorous designer clothes, but,she has
revealed she actually prefers to rock her pajamas.

The Whitenicious CEO shared a number of photo sin her PJs writing

The Whitenicious CEO shared a number of photo sin her PJs writing
My life goal was 2 get to a point where I can wear my PJ’s & Robe everywhere I go 😍 Pix 1 pulling up 2 someone’s house,Drs appointment,office,lunch Nobu,Basically 360 Days a week I look fresh outa bed😍 I’m too comfy to be bothered.My brother says I look homeless but I really just enjoy feeling at home everywhere I go🙌🏽 #GoalsReached #tbt #livingmybestlife